Interview Skills – Basic Introduction

Puneet has 20+ years of professional experience across India and Europe. He has held various senior leadership positions like head of global competency center with teams in 30+ countries, client service partner for accounts of the size $100 million and setup of new development & delivery centers.
Interviews can be quite
intimidating for most students – especially when you don’t already have another
job in hand. When you look around, you
see there are multiple applicants for every job on offer. Research indicates that while 70% of students
get an interview opportunity, only 20% get selected. It is therefore critical
to put your best foot forward in an interview to increase your chances of
landing a great job.
The selection in an
interview is based on a number of factors including (but not limited to) your
technical knowledge and how well you can present yourself to the
interviewer. Technical requirements vary
depending on the field of study (e.g. computers or mechanical) & type of
company (e.g. product Vs services Vs manufacturing) and are already the focus
area of students. It is the other soft aspects of interview process, where
students are found lacking and many a times, these are the differentiators in
getting or not getting the job.
In other terms, Technical
knowledge is a necessary condition but not sufficient condition.
Now, coming back to interview, there are 3 main steps to an interview process
- Preparation – Extremely Critical Step.It includes researching the job, employer, Industry, practice, fine tuning your CV, anticipate questions employer might ask, list down questions which you would ask employer etc.
- Actual Interview – The act itself.
- Closure of the Interview – The step of gracefully closing the interview to ensure you remain in the game.
Each of these steps requires you to focus on different aspects.
will discuss these in subsequent chapters along with tips and guidelines.