7 steps to finalize your resume

Once you have created the first draft of the resume, you need to do the following to finalize it 

  1. Go over the resume again and crystallize your messages i.e. remove unnecessary information,  add supporting facts 
  2. Cross check that resume adheres to basic guidelines outlined in this article.
  3. Change the tone of resume to include action verbs – refer this article (Action Verbs are important but don’t get too fussy about the generation of action verbs i.e. this is a new verb/old verb.  As long as it convey the message powerfully, it is good)
  4. Ensure that it is not more than 2 pages long
  5. Save the copy as “.doc” and “.pdf” format (you can convert word files to pdf by selecting save as option from the Microsoft word)
  6. Name the resume professionally e.g. FirstName SecondName_Resume Or Resume_FirstName SecondName
  7. Ask someone else to review your resume and provide you feedback

Remember, resume will not get you a job – it will only open the door of opportunity.  It must be compelling enough to open the door.

To grab that opportunity, you need to perform well in the interview.  I suggest you to read articles on interview process to prepare yourself well.

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